Real Estate

METCORP Real Estate Divisionmanages, markets, leases and maintains all types of real estate whether the ones owned by the Company or by Investors through its administrative and technical qualified personnel, in addition to selling and purchasing real estate to its interests and to others, organizing real estate auctions, carrying out real estate brokerage works, evaluating real estate for others, establishing and providing consultancies and managing real estate portfolios.

The principal activities of the Real Estate Division are as follows:

  • Ownership, sale, purchase, and development of real estate properties for own interest within the State of Kuwait and abroad.
  • Managing properties for third parties, ownership, sale and purchase of shares and bonds of real estate companies for own interest within the State of Kuwait and abroad.
  • Preparation of studies and provision of Real Estate consultancy services of all types.
  • Carrying out maintenance services for buildings and properties owned by the Company and third parties.
  • Organizing Real Estate exhibitions for own real estate projects, and organizing auctions.
  • Ownership and management of Commercial and Residential compounds.
  • Direct contribution in developing infrastructure of residential, commercial and industrial areas and projects, and management of real estate facilities under Build–Operate–Transfer (BOT) arrangement.